Chinese smartphone maker Realme is known for its value-for-money offerings in the budget smartphone segment. However, marking its foray in the entry-level segment, the company recently introduced its C-series, with the launch of the Realme C1. Priced at Rs 17,999, Realme has a notch-based display, Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 processor and a dual-rear-camera module and 4230 mAh Big Battery
Realme C1 have main and our favorite features is its battery. Because now a days different companies Launched different models of phones and not consternate the battery. Battery is a main part of device because all mobile application and users interaction based on its battery latest games and application consume battery and ever user wants long time battery life in device.
The Realme C1 is powered by a 4,230 mAh battery that lasts for a day and a little more on normal usage, which includes streaming videos, internet browsing and playing games. The phone does not support fast charging, therefore it takes almost three hours to charge from zero to 100 per cent.
Realme is a technology brand, specialising in providing high quality smartphones. Realme is an emerging smartphone brand. The brand was officially established on May 4th, 2018, coinciding with the National Youth Day of China. The company’s founder is Sky Li who, together with, a group of likeminded, young individuals – with similar experiences relating to the smartphone industry- set up Realme.