The moon appears to have bombarded the shining disk of the sun when the satellite captured its image. New images from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) show the moon moving through the solar disk and showing itself in front of a fast-moving silhouette. Nokia build First 4G network on Moon. The event closed on October 16 while NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) was observing the sun. This space crossing, which NASA calls the lunar transit, takes about 50 minutes – between 3:05 p.m. and 3:53 p.m. ET – said the US space agency. “At its peak, the moon covers about 44% of the sun,” he said. NASA added that the moon also “covered the spacecraft’s two fine-tuning sensors – making the sun’s view flicker slightly”. SDO “restores its stable display immediately after end of transit”. The SDO spacecraft “takes these images with wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light. This type of light is invisible to the human eye and is gold here,” NASA said. Must Read: Careem Super App launches its food delivery service in Lahore The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) is the first satellite in NASA’s Live with a Star (LWS) program. The spacecraft will fly for five years and help scientists understand the sun’s influence on earth and space “by studying the sun’s atmosphere on a small scale in space and time and at many wavelengths simultaneously”. SDO, launched in 2010, is used to take a closer look at the sun, which NASA says is the source of all space-time, affecting not only life on Earth, but also Earth itself and everything outside its atmosphere. . SDO also helps astronomers and scientists to understand “where solar energy comes from, how the solar interior works and how energy is stored and released in the sun’s atmosphere”. Unlike other satellites, SDO collects huge amounts of data and, according to NASA, will generate enough data every 36 seconds to load a CD. “Because SDO does not have a record-keeping system and collects so much data, the SDO mission will have to build its own earth station. To be possible, SDO must be put in geosynchronous orbit (GEO) – the same speed as the earth and always directly overhead and in constant communication with the station. their earth in New Mexico, “NASA added. WHAT IS LUNAR TRANSIT? A lunar transit occurs when the moon wanders between SDO and the sun (or other celestial body) and blocks the view from the satellite. During the transit, the moon appears much smaller and lasts longer. SDO experiences multiple transit months each year. The SDO orbit “usually provides a clear view of the sun, but the earth’s rotation around the sun means that SDO’s orbit is behind the earth for two to three weeks at a time twice a year. During this phase the earth gets in the way.” SDO’s view of the sun. Sun for a few minutes to more than an hour once a day. “ There are three types of lunar transits – one occurs when the moon crosses the local meridian; second, as it passes before the sun; third, when you pass other planets. Reuters