Vivo Pakistan has announced today to reduce the price of its best-selling smartphone, Vivo V5s. The new price for this phone is Rs. 26,999 and it will be available at the discounted price through all offline channels. Released earlier this year, the V5s is a well-receivedsmartphone across the globe. It boasts sleek lines, with the side panel and back cover meeting in seamless curved edges. V5s offers a 5.5-inch IPS display, protected with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 and has Vivo’s proprietary 3D Touch technology embedded within. It has an extraordinary octa-core processor, along with massive 4GB of RAM and 64GB’s of internal storage. The front-facing20-Megapixel camera has a Sony IMX376 sensor, that takes selfie technology to the next level. Theunique Softlight on the front brightens up your photos, anytime day or night. It also offers Bokeh, Face Beauty and HDR modes as well. V5s also features industry’s fastest Fingerprint Unlocking Access in Just 0.2 Seconds. The AK4376 Hi-Fi audio chip is another step in Vivo’s journey to Hi-Fi perfection, delivering the best authentic sound. In terms of connectivity, the V5s offers 4G LTE Dual SIM Dual Standby, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, USB 2.0 and FM radio. It has a 3000mAh battery to power all these components, which is adequate to provide charge for more than a day on extreme usage. In terms of software, V5s runs Funtouch OS 3.0 out of the box, offering features like App Clone, Smart Split 2.0, Quick Gestures and much more. The latest Android Nougat 7.1 based version will be available for download in the coming days for this phone. Pricing and Warranty Information: Vivo V5s is now available for a price of Rs. 26,999 only with Matte Black and Crown Gold color options to choose from. It is worth mentioning that Vivo is providing one-year local warranty with V5s through its exclusive after-sales centers. It is the first smartphone brand in Pakistan to offer 15 days replacement warranty, that too for free of cost. Moreover, Vivo is offering 6 months warranty for the accessories provided with the smartphones. Vivo V5s Key Specifications at a Glance: – Dimensions 153.8 x 75.5 x 7.6 mm – 5.5inch IPS Capacitive Touch Screen, 720p resolution – Octa-core 64bit Processor with 4GB of RAM – 64GB Internal Storage (Supports microSD Card up to 256GB) – 20 Megapixel perfect selfie camera, f/2.0 aperture, Softlight on front – 13 Megapixel primary camera, f/2.2aperture, LED flash – Home key Fingerprint Unlocking, Access in Just 0.2 Seconds – Dual SIM Dual Standby, 4G LTE Support – Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, USB 2.0, GPS, OTG, FM – AK4376 Hi-Fi Chipset for authentic sound – 3000 mAh battery – Funtouch OS 3.0, Android Nougat Upgrade Planned
Vivo Pakistan Now Offers V5s in Matte Black Color
Vivo, the global smartphone brand has announced the availability of Matte Black colour for V5s in Pakistan. The Chinese multinational brand has officially launched its products in the market just a few weeks ago and in a very short time, it has managed to capture the attention of the masses – especially the youth. Presently, Vivo is the 3rd most popular brand in China and ranks among the top 5 global smartphone brands in terms of sales. The company aims to become the No. 1 smartphone brand in Pakistan by offering premium quality smartphones at affordable prices. The newly launched Matte Black colour is well suited for people looking for a premium device that signifies elegance and style. Besides, black is one of the most loved color among smartphone enthusiasts. The Vivo V5s at a Glance Released earlier this year, the V5s is a well-received smartphone across the globe. It boasts sleek lines, with the side panel and back cover meeting in seamless curved edges. It is packed with great hardware combined with the Funtouch Operating System. The V5s offers a 5.5-inch IPS display, protected with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 and has Vivo’s 3D Touch technology embedded within. It comes with an octa-core processor, along with a massive 4GB of RAM and 64GBs of internal storage. Users also get a Triple-Card slot, so a microSD card can be used along with two SIM cards; all at the same time. It offers a 20-Megapixel front-facing camera for perfect selfies. The IMX376 front camera sensor, co-engineered with Sony, takes selfie technology to the next level. The unique Softlight on the front brightens up your photos, anytime day or night. The selfie camera also offers Bokeh, Face Beauty and HDR modes as well. The rear 13-Megapixel camera is equipped with a bright LED flashlight and Phase Detection Auto Focus technology, that helps take photos easily and quickly. The camera can take up to 52-Megapixel Ultra HD photos, by quickly shooting multiple frames and stitching them all together. The home key on V5s doubles as the fingerprint scanner, with the industry’s fastest Fingerprint Unlocking Access in Just 0.2 Seconds. The AK4376 Hi-Fi audio chip delivers great sound effects as well. In terms of connectivity, the V5s offers 4G LTE Dual SIM Dual Standby, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, USB 2.0 and FM radio. It has a 3000mAh battery to power all these components, which is adequate to provide charge for more than a day on extreme usage. The V5s runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow with Funtouch OS 3.0 on top, which enhances the functionality of Android by offering features like App Clone, Smart Split 2.0, Quick Gestures and much more. Pricing and Warranty Information It is worth mentioning that Vivo is providing a one-year local warranty with V5s through its exclusive after-sales centres. It is the first smartphone brand in Pakistan to offer 15 days replacement warranty. Moreover, it is offering 6 months warranty for the accessories provided with the smartphones. The Matte Black Vivo V5s is now available across Pakistan, along with the existing Crown Gold colour option for a price of Rs. 29,999 only. Vivo is also offering other smartphone models including the Y55s and the Y53, catering to the affordable market segment as well. Link