VR just required a major step of progress. HTC has launched a fresh Vive standalone VR headset it doesn’t desire a Phone, a Laptop or computer or a cabled link with any device. The existing HTC Vive requires the sizable headset to be tethered to a considerable Computer rig – however the Taiwanese firm has cut the wire using its more mobile Vive standalone offering. It’s an identical idea to Samsung’s Equipment VR and Google’s Daydream View , but with one key difference. Rather than sliding your mobile inside the headset, the new Vive VR viewers already gets the screen, electric power and room-mapping smarts stuffed in. This is actually the first standalone headset to work with Google’s Daydream program, that your search giant released would be accessible for cellphone/PC-free devices during itsGoogle IO event. It’s anticipated out in past due 2017 – we’re still looking forward to a company HTC Vive standalone release time frame, but it might find itself on the few people’s Holiday lists. A glimpse into the future of Vive? It’s currently not yet determined if the new Vive headset can run full HTC Vive game titles from Heavy steam, but our figure is typically not, as there will not be enough ability under the hood to aid them. There are incredibly limited information on the new headset for the present time, with HTC expressing “more info on Vive’s standalone VR headset will be produced available soon, but be confident it’ll be simple, easy-to-use and without cables for connecting”. While this is not a HTC Vive 2 announcement, from the view of what we’re able to be prepared to see, with rumours of a radio PC-powered headset doing the rounds. We’re still looking forward to term on the new HTC Vive standalone headset price, however the hope is it will likely be less expensive – and so approachable to a wider selection of users – than the full-blown Vive offering. Reuters