Now a day every person who use internet than his aim earn money online due to this he search different ads videos or site to earn money online but its not easy to earn money online its very tough job mostly site say a bogus article about this that type and earn money but all is fake when a person want and apply this and fill form in the end of this they said deposit some charges as like a fee than the company provided home base work now we discussed real method to earn money. Blogging: Mostly people says when you make a blog than you earn money in dollars but its not easy you make good blog but not engage traffic than traffic not come you not earn money than you disappointed and leave the blogging so it’s another tough task how to run blog? First you make blog but make those blog you are interest on it like your hobby than you run your blog some different ideas like tech, education, news, mobile, ecommerce, health and more other what you like than you make blog after that you write research base article if you want engage traffic or earn money than you are proper know how about SEO it’s a main part of blogging than create back links of your blog to other sites to engage traffic. If you have good writing skills and you know about SEO than you earn money of your hard working otherwise your blog not ranked in Google search engine. So our opinion blogging is another tough task. Must Read: Realme Becomes the Fastest Growing Smartphone Brand Ranking No.7 YouTuber: Another way of online earning is youtube. But still its not easy first of all you make good video in new and unique subject than the heading of your video not common to other video your video content still not same to other video who upload on youtube than still SEO needed on youtube if you want your video is viral than main and much important thing Tag if you use tag use full and eye catchy than your video goes viral and you subscriber increase because alot of competition all over earning sites if you have skills and passion than you earn online money otherwise not easy. Facebook: Facebook another online earning platform but still we can discuss above paragraphs. First of all you build a page than you promote your page and like your page when your page have huge amount of liker and subscriber than you earn amount because facebook select some pages who’s traffic high than facebook place add this pages and the owner of page earn money but also its not easy task to increase subscriber and liker because viewer want some new and unique information. So in our point of view it’s not easy but not impossible if you have spirit and passion than you earn per month 500$ to 75000$ depends your thought your plan your aim your spirit but first of all you have proper know how about online earning than you earn otherwise you cannot.