Following the launch of Samsung Electronics’ latest QLED TVs, emphasizing on solutions known as Q Picture, Q Smart and Q Style; these premium range of LED TV’s will be available in Pakistan on 1st July 2017. Customers can now avail the offer and pre-book their very own QLED TV at all authorized Samsung Brand shops and its online e-retail partners;,,,, and Customers can now pre-book their 65” QLED TV Q8C and avail a free Samsung Galaxy S8 Smartphone from 19th – 30thJune 2017. The Q8C is a curved masterpiece, having a resolution of 3840×2160. Other features include; Q Color, Q contrast, Q HDR 1500, Boundless 360degree design, One Remote Control etc. This prestigious innovation is a result of Samsung’s adoption of a new metal Quantum Dot material, which allows Samsung QLED TV to articulate deep blacks and rich detail despite of the rooms lighting or environment. The ‘MD Samsung Pakistan & Afghanistan – Mr. Y J KIM. said: “The QLED TV provides true-to-life images, whereby empowering consumers to experience a new feel in televisions, bringing art and entertainment into parts of your home. The QLED TV is an exceptional innovative, which offers improved color performance, displaying DCI-P3 color space accurately, which is capable of reproducing 100% colour volume.” The ‘Smart Hub’ interface is now extended to smartphones through Samsung’s new ‘Smart View’ app, which lets customers use their mobile device to select and start their favourite live TV programmes and video-on-demand services – on their TV In addition to the ‘No gap wall-mount’ designed for quickly and easily affixing the TV flush against the wall, the improvements to design and usability in the QLED TV series include a single, transparent ‘Invisible Connection’ cable through which all of the peripheral devices can be gathered and connected to the TV.