Some site of internet work on piracy. What the meaning of piracy mostly people not know about that the meaning of piracy so we can try to describe the easy meaning of piracy. So what is piracy? Piracy mean is that the data like movies, dramas, show etc capture hidden and published different sites is called piracy. Few years ago most popular site Torrent. Torrent is main and biggest site of piracy and all world latest movies, dramas, shows, games, software available on this site with key and people use this site and download latest movies and watch it without pay so it’s a very backlog of companies and production houses so he decided and sue of this site than the site blocked. But some sites are still available on internet who do work on piracy and people watch the movies dramas shows anything what he want watch online and downloaded. And sale in local market so some sites are working on it like this site is a main streaming site on India and Srilanka almost 2.73 millon traffic on this site because this site provide latest Indian, Tamil & Srilankan movies and people use this site and watch this as it in Pakistan run other site who perform same work this site name onlinemovieswatch this site also provide piracy movies on her site and people can watch latest movies on this site. Must Read: Masterpiece of Innovation is Glock 19 All over world many torrent and piracy websites are work but it’s a huge network therefore its note easy to control piracy so different countries work on it to control but still not control it and some most famous piracy site name are listed below 1: 2: 1337x 3: The Pirate Boy 4: PARBG 5: Torrentz2 6: 7: LimeTorrent 8: Zoogle 9: 10: TorrentDownloads