Now a day every person know how about technology so Paperless system much important in Pakistan why paperless system much important in Pakistan and why PM khan initiative to digitalize Pakistan so we can discussed about that why Paperless system much imported in Pakistan In Pakistan mostly organization work on old method like paper work registry etc and our people write application and send through post office or other courier service so it’s a time consumed process therefore our peoples have backlog and not know how about paperless system Must Read: Digital Pakistan Initiatives and Jobs In a little bit survey in a Organization Wafaqi Mohtasib Pakistan proper work on paperless system because when you type online application on Wafaqi Mohtasib web site than within a minute sent message on your mobile number and after 15 days again send sms on your mobile for date for hearing to intimation and before a day this organization call your number to intimate your hearing date just only one final order dispatch your home address it is paperless system. So in Pakistan need paperless system because written work not efficient in Pakistan with the help of Paperless system our person proper know how about technology and way how to use of technology in hands