The Apex Legends community asked Twitch to ban streetsters from continuing to cheat Battle Royal after being arrested several times. The German streamer named Lex4 tor88 has canceled his account with the developer Respawn Entertainment more than ten times because of the use of targets and other illegal hacking programs. Despite the setbacks, Lex4tor88 seems determined to continue streaming as it creates more than 10 accounts to continue playing Twitch’s Apex Legends. A professional Apex for Reciprocity Team, WACKO, recently asked Twitch to permanently ban Lex from the streaming platform, but so far nothing has been done. In a live hack on December 23, he shared a video from Lex4tor88 on Twitter, where Respawn Entertainment’s developers and partners handled it. Twitch does not prohibit the Apex Legend cheat What bothers the Apex Legends player more than Twitch, who does nothing to Lex, is the faithful con artist who follows the platform. Although there is a show called “AIMBOT LIVE”, Lex has around 4,000 followers. Many of these followers are known to defend Lex when people come to him on charges of fraud. Must Read: Patent for new PlayStation controller surfaces “Imagine protecting someone who has more than 10 accounts blocked,” WACKO said. Some players in the streaming community are not allowed to chat with Lex to ask if he is cheating after realizing how bad his awareness and movements are in the game. There is another video that shows Lex pursuing his opponent perfectly. “Yes, the viewers and the mod are crazy, they seem to believe that it is only forbidden to be good,” said a Reddit user. Lex4tor88’s shame is so blatant that other Apex Legend players wonder if their mods and followers are just trolling. “I want to bet that they are just joking and talking nonsense. I mean, my colleague openly promotes that he did,” another redditor speculates. Lex often goes to Twitter to scold how annoying it is to deal with online fraudsters as “professional gamers”. He also claims to be the “most famous top player” in his Twitch biography. While he remains calm when it comes to him, as in this clip which clearly shows the target bot, he can feel a little emotional if the match doesn’t benefit him. Source