realme – a youth favourite in Pakistan has recently launched its new Gaming Beast, the realme Narzo 30. The phone comes with exceptional gaming features such as the MediaTek Helio G95 Gaming processor, 90Hz Ultra Smooth Display and a 5,000 mAh Massive Battery with 30W Dart Charge – that keeps an immersive gameplay going longer. Not just that, but the design element on the Narzo 30 gives you an adrenalin rush with its racing track inspiration.
The sales for realme Narzo 30 have begun on for PKR 32,999/-. So, people should rush to grab it before the stock runs out. But, this great offering doesn’t just end here. realme has also partnered with ace gamer Ducky Bhai and TikTok sensation Romaisa Khan for the NarzoGaming Championship.
Ducky and Romaisa are going head to head for a game of PUBG in the Narzo Gaming Championship – supported by some lucky fans which will be handpicked from the realme Community. In the end, the winning team’s fans get to win Narzo 30 for themselves.
So, all the realme Fans have to register for the Narzo Gaming Championship and pick their favourite team lead either Ducky or Romaisa. For registrations:
1. Join the realme Community:
2. Follow realme on Instagram: @realmepakistanofficial
3. Share the realme post on your wall.
And if you’re lucky, your team lead might handpick you.
The realme Narzo 30 also has a 6.5 inch Ultra Smooth Display with a 90Hz refresh rate so the gaming is crisp, clear and seamless. So don’t wait any longer, go to and get yourself a Narzo 30 for PKR 32,999/-
realme is a technology brand that provides leapfrog quality and trendsetting smartphones and AIoT products to the global market. realme users are young and globally-minded. realme products empower young people to ‘Dare to Leap’ using the latest technology and design.
realme is the 7th top smartphone brand in the world and was recognized as one of the mainstream smartphone brands according to Counterpoint’s statistics of global smartphone shipments in Q3 2020. In 2019, realme’s global smartphone shipments reached 25 million with a YoY growth rate of 808%, making realme the fastest-growing smartphone brand in the world for four consecutive quarters from 2019 to Q2 2020. realme has entered 61 markets worldwide, including China, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, the Middle East, Africa with a global user base of over 70 million.
arkets worldwide, including China, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, the Middle East, Africa with a global user base of over 70 million.