realme, the world’s fastest-growing smartphone brand, has officially launched its brand new mid-range smartphone, the 64MP realme 7i Capture Sharper Play Smoother. Online launch event was held live on realme’s Official Facebook page on 15th December. The brand launched realme Buds Wireless Pro, realme Smart Scale, and designer toy, “realmeow”. realme 7i shall be available in the offline market from the 19th of December, 2020 at only Rs.39,999. realme pakistan just released latest successor of number series realme 7i at Rs.39,999.
realme was on fire at online flash sale at exclusive prices and ranked as the top selling brand in the year end sale 12.12. The brand has become very popular for online flash sales in collaboration with leading online stores. It sold thousands of products in just a few days on the online sale. The young and trendsetting brand, realme has been recognized as the Fastest Growing AIoT Brand in the country. realme has introduced many amazing smartphones, AIoT products plus its Category N products in Pakistan.
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realme has been working on trendy lifestyle products for upgrading the emerging lifestyle of the youth. For this it has introduced AIoT products including Buds Wireless Pro and Smart scale. realme Buds Wireless Pro features Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation (ANC Technology) up to 35dB. With the belief of #NoiseOffMusicOn, it supports a 13.6mm Bass Boost Driver and high-quality wireless listening with SONY LDAC Hi-Res Audio and 22-hour battery life.
To Scale up Your Fitness, realme has launched another amazing addition to the Category N for all fitness enthusiasts, the ‘Smart Scale’. It comes with 50g High-precision, 360-day Long Standby, and 16 Types of Health Measurements including Weight, Fat Rate, Body Shape, BMI, Muscle Mass, Bone Mass, Heart Rate, and many more.
With these amazing devices, realme has broken all records on Daraz 12.12 sale giving exceptionally discounted rates. Fans went wild with excitement and the products sold hand-to-hand. You should not miss the chance to grab your favorite trendy realme products ASAP, if you haven’t already!