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Engro Foods Limited (EFL), is driven with the core purpose of providing better nutrition to Pakistan, a good living for farmers, now & for generations to come. EFL’s contributions over the years were recognised at the NFEH 11th CSR Award ceremony on 24th Jan, 2019 at Serena Hotel, Islamabad. Engro Foods was awarded winner of the CSR award in three categories

  • Women Welfare, Empowerment & Development
  • Community Development & Services
  • Social Impact & Sustainability

The awards served as an acknowledgement for EFL’s initiatives to build and empower the dairy farmer communities at grass root level.Engro Foods is currently supporting six schools, through a school adoption program near their production facilities which is empowering 1700+ children with education. Near EFL Sukkur plant, a health clinic called SehatMarkaz is supported which has treated 8000+ patients to date at subsidized rates. Among many other initiatives, EFLhas worked rigorously to empower Pakistan’s dairy farmers through various dairy developmentprojects, a key focus of which remains on women empowerment through projects like WELD – Women Empowerment for Livestock Development, Strengthening Entrepreneurs and Dairy Stakeholders Network (SEADs) and The Big Push for Rural Economy (BPRE). EFL aims to provide a good living and sustainable livelihoods to the dairy farmersof Pakistan.

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Upon receiving the award, the Director Corporate Affairs and AgriBusiness Syed Saud Ahmed Pashasaid,

 “I can proudly say today that our dairy initiatives have met with great success. We have trained over 1 million farmers regarding the best farming practices through countless initiatives and we also completed the ‘Big Push’ project in June 2018 through which 9,000+ farmers were trained to increase milk production. Based on our sustainability initiatives and dairy development programs, Engro Foods has been internationally recognized, we also received an award for Commonwealth Company of the Year 2018.We have in the past and we will continue to play our role in creating a complete eco system to facilitate and establisha sustainable living environment for farmers through our dairy development programs. ”

Engro Foods was represented at the award ceremony by Syed Saud Ahmed Pasha, Director Corporate Affairs &Agri Business and Nageen Rizvi, Head of Corporate Communications & Sustainability. EFL believes in a successful business model that creates an economic impact and instils value in the community. As an organization, EFL regularly embeds sustainable practices within business development for a positive economic, and social impact on its key stakeholders. Besides CSR initiatives that solely focus on the dairy sector, Engro Foods Limited also has various other ongoing projects which aim towards helping those in need. EFL tirelessly works to offer the absolute best to its buyer and recognizes the importance of devising a framework for food safety as they strive towards providingbetter nutrition to the people of Pakistan.

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